The Canadian Association for Adolescent Health,
The Division of Adolescent Medicine and The Department of Paediatrics of the
Hospital for Sick Children, and the University of Toronto
8th CAAH National Conference
Adolescence In The New Millenium:
The Agony & The Ecstasy
Guest Speakers:
James Garbarino, Ph.D.
Professor of Human Development, Cornell University
Co-Director of Family Life Development Centre
Debra Pepler, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, York University
Director, The LaMarsh Centre for Research on Violence and Conflict Resolution
Keynote Presentation, Interactive Workshops, Recent Advances in Adolescent Health Issues
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2020
Location: The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1X8
For more information, please contact:
Joanne Carnemolla, Administrative Assistant, The Division of Adolescent Medicine
Hospital For Sick Children, Telephone (416) 813-5825 or email:
The 8th CAAH National Conference is just around the corner (October 30th, 2002). Please consult this brochure for more information, or leave us your details here and we will send it to you. Adobe Acrobat Reader required.
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- Print out the inscription form found on the brochure
- Fax the completed form to (514) 345 4778
- Contact us at (514) 345 9959 for all other questions
For more information
CAAH, Section médecine de l’adolescence, Hôpital Ste-Justine
3175 Côte Ste-Catherine
Montreal, QC H3T 1C5
Tel : (514) 345-9959
FAX : (514) 345-4778
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I would like to receive information on the following conference:
Montreal - Quebec
Past Symposiums and Meetings
Ontario National Conferences
1st national Conference Toronto, November 25-26th 1993
Adolescence : Change…the Challenge
200 participants
National Conference Ottawa, September 30th 1994
Adolescence and the Contemporary family :a Dynamic Process
3rd National Conference Toronto, November 7-8th 1996
Toward the year 2000 : Working with and for Adolescents
80 participants
4th National Conference (english) Toronto, October 29th 1997
Focus on the Young Adolescent
160 participants
6th Annual National Conference (english) Toronto, November 5th 1999
Adolescent Mental Health: Pratical Strategies
100 participants
Ontario Regional Meetings
1- February 1998
Youth Substance Abuse Treatment : Tools of the Trade
120 participants
2 - May 14 1999
Assessment and management of substance use disorders during adolescence
140 participants
Quebec National Meetings
2ième congrès national : Montréal, 15,16,17 novembre 1995
Regards sur l'adolescence adolescence : intervenir pour demain
350 participants
4ième congrès national (français) : Montréal, 23-24 octobre 1997
Santé mentale et milieu scolaire
330 participants
5ième congrès national: Montréal, 29-30 octobre 1998
Troubles alimentaires à l'adolescence
305 participants
7ième congrès national: Montréal, 4-5 mai 2000
Santé des Adolescents: mise à jour pour le 3ième millénaire